"vivid responses to celebrated words"  

- BBC Music Magazine 2020

From SOMMCD 0612 “From Five Continents” by Penelope Thwaites. By courtesy of SOMM Recordings.
CD available on www.somm-recordings.com

Yaathum Oore Yaavarum Kelir (Professor T Rangarajan)

Yaathum – Oore – Yaavarum – Kelir!
A Tamil poet saw creation so,
He trod the earth two thousand years ago,
Said man should make a friend of ev’ry foe:
Yaathum oore yaavarum kelir
Ev’ry human is my kinsman near
Ev’ry country is my country dear

No trains or planes were racing through the land,
No rockets to the moon had yet been planned, A
nd yet his gaze the far horizon scanned,
Yaathum oore yaavarum kelir
Ev’ry human is my kinsman near
Ev’ry country is my country dear

Then science had its secrets locked away,
No caste or creed divided in his day,
And so the Tamil poet yet could say –
Yaathum oore yaavarum kelir
Ev’ry human is my kinsman near
Ev’ry country is my country dear

From east and west and north and south today
We stand as one and point mankind the way
To care and share and with the poet say –
Yaathum oore yaavarum kelir
Ev’ry human is my kinsman near
Ev’ry country is my country dear


Song Around the World